web push notifications

Web Push Notifications Marketing: Best Practices & Strategies

Web push marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with website visitors and increase conversions. With web push notifications, companies can send targeted messages directly to subscribers’ devices, even when they’re not on the website. Unlike email marketing, which requires users to provide their contact information and opt-in to receive messages, web push notifications can be sent to anyone who has enabled them in their browser settings.

By using web pushes effectively, businesses can build a large audience of web push notification subscribers. However, it’s important that companies create a clear strategy for their push campaign and use push messages that are relevant and timely. This will help ensure that subscribers don’t feel overwhelmed or annoyed by too many notifications.

To customize the appearance and behavior of their web push notifications, businesses should consider using the web push API. This will allow them to create unique experiences for subscribers while maintaining brand consistency across all touchpoints.

Tracking engagement metrics is also crucial for measuring the success of a company’s push campaign. By monitoring open rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics, businesses can optimize their messaging strategy over time and improve overall performance.

Who Can Use Web Push Notifications? Why Marketers Should Use Them.

Web push notifications can be used by any business or organization that has a website and wants to engage with their audience in real-time. These notifications are delivered directly to the user’s device, whether it’s a desktop computer or mobile phone, without the need for an app. This means that anyone with internet access can receive web push notifications.

Marketers should use web push notifications because they have a higher click-through rate than email marketing and can be delivered even when the user is not on their website. According to recent studies, web push notifications have an average click-through rate of 7.8%, compared to just 1.9% for email marketing campaigns. This makes them an effective way to reach your audience and drive traffic to your website.

Web push notification subscribers are more likely to be engaged with your brand, as they have actively opted-in to receive updates from you. This means that they are interested in what you have to offer and are more likely to take action when they receive a notification from you. In fact, studies show that web push notification subscribers are twice as likely to convert compared to other website visitors.

A well-executed web push campaign can drive traffic to your website, increase sales, and improve customer retention. By sending targeted messages at the right time, you can encourage users to take action and make a purchase or sign up for your services. For example, if someone abandons their cart on your e-commerce site, you can send them a reminder via web push notification with a discount code or special offer.

Web pushes can be used in conjunction with other marketing channels, such as email marketing, to create a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy. By using both channels together, you can reach your audience through multiple touchpoints and increase the likelihood of conversion.

To use push notifications effectively, it’s important to understand how they work and how users interact with them. Web pushes appear as small pop-up messages on the user’s device, similar to mobile push notifications. They can include text, images, and links to your website or landing page.

To subscribe to web push notifications, users must first give their permission by clicking on a prompt that appears on your website. Once they have subscribed, they will receive notifications whenever you send them out.

It’s important to use push notifications sparingly and only send messages that are relevant and valuable to your audience. Overloading users with too many notifications can lead to them unsubscribing or ignoring your messages altogether.

When creating a web push campaign, it’s important to consider factors such as timing, frequency, and messaging. For example, sending a notification at the right time of day when users are most likely to be active can increase engagement and click-through rates.

Web push notifications can also be personalized based on user behavior and preferences. By using data such as browsing history or purchase history, you can send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with your audience.

Why Your Business Needs Web Push Notifications

Instant Communication

Web push notifications are a powerful tool for businesses looking to communicate with their audience in real-time. Unlike email marketing, which can often go unnoticed or end up in spam folders, push notifications are delivered directly to the user’s device. This means that your message is more likely to be seen and acted upon.

With web push notifications, you can instantly communicate with your audience and keep them engaged with your brand. Whether you’re promoting a new product or service, announcing a sale, or sharing important news, push notifications allow you to reach your audience quickly and effectively.

Increased Engagement

Push notification marketing has been shown to increase engagement rates by up to 88%. By using push notifications, you can send personalized messages to your web push notification subscribers, encouraging them to take action and interact with your brand.

For example, you could send a personalized message offering a discount on products that the subscriber has previously shown interest in. This type of targeted messaging is much more effective than generic advertising campaigns that may not resonate with your audience.


Web pushes are a cost-effective way to reach your audience. Unlike traditional advertising methods such as TV commercials or billboards, push notifications don’t require a large budget or extensive planning. With the right web push campaign strategy, you can reach your target audience without breaking the bank.

In fact, many businesses have found that web push notifications offer a higher return on investment (ROI) than other forms of digital marketing. By targeting specific segments of their audience with personalized messages, they have been able to drive more conversions and sales at a lower cost per acquisition (CPA).

Cross-Device Compatibility

One of the biggest advantages of web push notifications is their cross-device compatibility. Web pushes work across all devices including desktops and mobile devices. This means that you can use push alerts to reach your audience no matter where they are or what device they’re using.

This is particularly important in today’s mobile-first world, where more and more people are accessing the internet on their smartphones. By using web push notifications, you can ensure that your message is seen by your audience no matter what device they’re using.

Easy Implementation

Implementing web push notifications is easy thanks to the Web Push API. With just a few lines of code, you can start sending push messages to your audience and driving engagement with your brand. Plus, browser notifications are supported by all major browsers, making it easy to reach a wide audience.

In addition to being easy to implement, web push notifications are also highly customizable. You can choose when and how often to send messages, as well as personalize them based on user behavior or preferences.

Advantages of Using Web Push Notifications and Advantages by the Numbers

Higher Opt-In Rates for More Subscribers

Web push notifications have become a popular tool for marketers to reach their target audience. One of the main advantages of using web push notifications is that they have a higher opt-in rate compared to email subscriptions, resulting in more subscribers for your web push campaign.

The reason behind this is simple: web push notifications are less intrusive and require fewer steps to subscribe. Unlike email subscriptions, which often require users to fill out lengthy forms, web push notifications only need a single click from the user to subscribe.

This ease of use has resulted in higher opt-in rates, with some studies showing an average opt-in rate of 30% or higher for web push notifications. This means that you can quickly build a large subscriber base for your web pushes and reap the benefits of having more subscribers.

Versatile Tool for Push Notification Marketing

Another advantage of using web push notifications is that they can be delivered to both desktop and mobile devices, making it a versatile tool for push notification marketing.

With the rise of mobile usage, it’s essential to have a marketing strategy that caters to both desktop and mobile users. Web push notifications allow you to do just that by delivering your message directly to your audience’s device, regardless of whether they’re on desktop or mobile.

This versatility also means that you can use different types of messages depending on the device. For example, you may want to send longer messages or include more images when sending messages to desktop users who have larger screens. On the other hand, you may want to keep messages short and concise when sending them to mobile users who have smaller screens.

Higher Click-Through Rates Compared To Email Marketing

One significant advantage of using web push notifications is their higher click-through rate compared to email marketing. According to one study, web push notifications have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 7.8%, while email marketing has an average CTR of 1.9%.

This higher CTR means that you can effectively communicate with your web push notification subscribers and reap the benefits of push messages. By sending targeted and personalized messages, you can increase engagement and drive more traffic to your website.

Moreover, web push notifications allow you to send time-sensitive messages that require immediate attention, such as flash sales or limited-time offers. This feature is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses looking to boost sales quickly.

Web Push API for More Customization

The Web Push API is a powerful tool that allows developers to create custom web push notifications that are tailored to their website’s needs. With this API, developers can customize the look and feel of their web pushes, including the icon, title, message, and URL.

This customization allows businesses to create unique and eye-catching web pushes that stand out from the competition. Moreover, it allows them to deliver a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

Push Alerts for Increased Engagement

Another advantage of using web push notifications is the ability to send push alerts directly to your audience’s device. These alerts can be used to notify users about new content on your website or remind them about upcoming events or promotions.

Push alerts have been shown to increase engagement significantly by keeping users informed about what’s happening on your website. They also help build loyalty by reminding users about your brand regularly.

Browser Notifications for Improved User Experience

Web push notifications are delivered through browser notifications, which provide an improved user experience compared to traditional pop-ups or banners. Browser notifications are less intrusive since they appear in a small window at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Moreover, browser notifications are customizable based on the user’s preferences. Users can choose which websites they want to receive notifications from and control how often they receive them. This customization helps reduce notification fatigue and ensures that users only receive relevant messages.

Benefits of Using Web Push Notifications by The Numbers

To summarize, here are some statistics that highlight the benefits of using web push notifications:

Best Practices for Push Notification Marketing and Finding Opt-in Pages

Use Clear and Concise Language in Your Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great way to grab the attention of your web push notification subscribers. However, it’s important to use clear and concise language in your messages. Keep in mind that people have short attention spans, so you need to get your message across quickly and effectively.

When crafting your push notifications, make sure you’re using language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience. Instead, use simple language that anyone can understand.

Additionally, make sure your message is focused on one specific action or piece of information. Don’t try to cram too much into one notification – this will only overwhelm your subscribers and decrease the chances of them taking any action.

Create a Dedicated Landing Page for Your Web Push Campaign

If you want to increase the chances of opt-ins and conversions for your web push campaign, it’s important to create a dedicated landing page. This page should be specifically designed for the purpose of promoting your web pushes and encouraging people to sign up.

Your landing page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Make sure it clearly explains what web push notifications are and how they can benefit the user. You should also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to sign up for your web pushes.

Utilize the Web Push API

The Web Push API allows you to personalize your push messages based on user behavior and preferences. This means you can send targeted messages that are more likely to resonate with individual users.

For example, if someone has previously purchased a product from your website, you could send them a push notification about a related product or service they might be interested in. Or if someone has abandoned their cart without completing their purchase, you could send them a reminder notification with a special offer or discount code.

By personalizing your push messages in this way, you’re more likely to see higher engagement rates and conversions.

Don’t Rely Solely on Push Notifications

While push notifications can be a powerful marketing tool, it’s important not to rely solely on them. Instead, you should integrate them with your email marketing strategy and other marketing channels for a cohesive approach.

For example, you could use push notifications to alert subscribers about new blog posts or product launches, while using email marketing to send more detailed information and promotions. You could also use social media and paid advertising to drive traffic to your landing page and encourage sign-ups for your web pushes.

By integrating all of these channels together, you’re more likely to see better results than if you were relying solely on push notifications.

Incorporate Best Practices for Opt-in Pages

There are several best practices you should keep in mind:

  • Keep the form short: Only ask for the information you really need – typically just a name and email address.
  • Offer an incentive: Consider offering a discount code or free resource in exchange for signing up.
  • Make it easy to opt-out: Include an option for users to easily unsubscribe from your web pushes if they change their mind.
  • Use social proof: Include testimonials or statistics that show the benefits of signing up for your web pushes.
  • Test different variations: Try out different headlines, CTAs, and designs to see what works best with your audience.

By incorporating these best practices into your opt-in pages, you’re more likely to see higher conversion rates and engagement from your subscribers.

Types and Examples of Web Pushes for Marketing

Web push notifications are a type of push notification marketing that allows businesses to send pushes directly to subscribers’ browsers, without the need for an app or email. There are different types of web pushes, including browser push, mobile push notifications, and web push API. Push messages can be used for various purposes, such as promoting sales, announcing new products, and sending reminders.

Push Notifications

Push notifications have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to communicate with their customers. They allow companies to send targeted messages directly to users’ devices in real-time. Web push notifications are a relatively new addition to this space but have quickly gained popularity due to their ease of use and effectiveness.

Types of Web Pushes

There are different types of web pushes that businesses can use depending on their needs. Browser push is the most common type of web push notification and works by sending messages directly to users’ browsers when they visit a website. Mobile push notifications work similarly but are sent directly to users’ mobile devices instead of their browsers.

Web Push API is another type of web push that allows developers more control over how messages are sent and displayed. This type of web push is typically used by larger companies with more complex messaging needs.

Examples of Web Push Campaigns

Web pushes can be used for a variety of purposes depending on the business’s goals. Some examples include abandoned cart reminders, personalized offers based on browsing behavior, and breaking news alerts.

Abandoned Cart Reminders: One effective use case for web pushes is reminding customers who have left items in their cart without checking out. By sending a timely reminder with a discount code or other incentive, businesses can increase the chances that customers will complete their purchase.

Personalized Offers: Another way that businesses can use web pushes is by sending personalized offers based on users’ browsing behavior. For example, if a user has been looking at shoes on a website but hasn’t made a purchase yet, the company could send a push notification with a discount code for shoes.

Breaking News Alerts: Finally, web pushes can be used to send breaking news alerts to subscribers. This is particularly useful for media companies or other businesses that need to keep their customers informed in real-time.

Segmenting Web Push Notification Subscribers

One of the key benefits of web push notifications is the ability to segment subscribers based on their interests or behavior. This allows businesses to send targeted messages that are more likely to convert.

For example, if a user has shown an interest in a particular product category, the business could send them a push notification with a special offer related to that category. Similarly, if a user has abandoned their cart multiple times without making a purchase, the company could send them a reminder with an even more enticing offer.

Using Web Push Notifications in Conjunction with Other Tactics

While web pushes can be a powerful addition to a marketing strategy, it’s important to use them in conjunction with other tactics like email marketing and push alerts. This ensures that businesses have a well-rounded approach and aren’t relying too heavily on any one channel.

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways for businesses to communicate with their customers. By using both email and web push notifications together, companies can increase their chances of reaching users at the right time and place.

Push alerts are another type of notification that businesses can use alongside web pushes. While web pushes are sent directly to users’ browsers or devices when they visit a website, push alerts are triggered by specific events like breaking news or severe weather warnings.

Optimizing Your Web Push Notification Campaign, Opt-in Definition, and FAQs

Web push notifications have become an increasingly popular marketing tool for businesses to engage with their audience. These notifications are messages that pop up on a user’s desktop or mobile device, even when they’re not browsing the website. They are a great way to keep users informed about new products, promotions, and other important updates.

Define web push notifications and their benefits for push notification marketing campaigns

Web push notifications are clickable messages that appear on a user’s desktop or mobile device. They are sent by websites to subscribers who have opted in to receive them. Web pushes work similarly to mobile app push notifications but don’t require the installation of an app.

One of the main benefits of using web push notifications is that they can help boost engagement rates. According to a study conducted by Accengage, web pushes have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 7.8%, which is significantly higher than email CTRs.

Discuss the importance of optimizing your web push campaign for maximum engagement and conversions

Optimizing your web push campaign is crucial for maximizing engagement and conversions. One way to do this is by segmenting your audience based on their interests or behaviors. This allows you to send targeted messages that resonate with each group.

Another important factor in optimizing your web push campaign is timing. You want to make sure you’re sending messages at the right time when users are most likely to be engaged. For example, if you’re promoting a flash sale, you’ll want to send the message during business hours when people are more likely to be online.

Explain the definition of opt-in and how it relates to web push notification subscribers

Opt-in refers to the process of subscribing or giving permission for a website or app to send you notifications or emails. In regards to web pushes, opt-in means that users must give explicit permission before receiving any messages from your website.

Opt-in is crucial for building a quality subscriber list. It ensures that users who receive your messages are interested in your content and more likely to engage with it.

Provide FAQs about web push notifications, including how to use push notifications effectively and how they differ from mobile push notifications

Q: How do I use push notifications effectively?

A: To use push notifications effectively, you need to make sure you’re sending relevant and timely messages. Segmenting your audience can help ensure that each message resonates with the right group of people.

Q: How do web pushes differ from mobile push notifications?

A: Web pushes don’t require the installation of an app, making them more accessible to users. They also work on desktop devices, whereas mobile pushes only work on mobile devices.

Highlight the benefits of using web pushes in conjunction with email marketing and landing pages

Using web pushes in conjunction with email marketing and landing pages can help create a cohesive user experience. For example, if you’re running a promotion, you can send an email announcing the sale and follow up with a web push reminder when the sale is about to end.

Web pushes can also be used to drive traffic to landing pages or other parts of your website. By sending targeted messages, you can encourage users to take specific actions such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Discuss the technical aspects of web push notifications, including the Web Push API and how to create effective push messages for your push campaign

The Web Push API is an API that allows websites to send push notifications directly to users’ browsers. It works by registering a service worker that listens for incoming messages from the server.

When creating effective push messages for your campaign, there are several best practices you should follow. First, keep your message short and sweet – aim for 90 characters or less. You should also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that tells users what action they should take.

Instant Communication and Limited-time Offers with Web Push Notifications

Web push notifications have become an increasingly popular tool for businesses to communicate with their website visitors. These notifications allow for instant communication without the need for personal information or a mobile app download, making them an efficient and effective way to reach out to potential customers.

One of the primary benefits of using web push notifications is the ability to send time-sensitive offers and promotions directly to subscribers. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages immediate action, increasing the likelihood of conversion. For example, a clothing retailer could offer a limited-time discount on new arrivals exclusively through web push notifications. This would incentivize subscribers to make a purchase quickly, before the promotion expires.

Another advantage of web push campaigns is their ability to be personalized based on user behavior and preferences. By tracking user activity on your website, you can tailor your messaging and offers to better resonate with each individual subscriber. For instance, if a subscriber frequently browses men’s shoes on your site, you could send them a notification promoting a sale on men’s footwear.

The Web Push API also allows for the creation of custom push alerts and messages. This feature enables businesses to further enhance the effectiveness of their push notification marketing by creating unique messaging that stands out from competitors. For example, if you run an online pet store, you could create custom graphics featuring cute animals alongside your promotional messaging.

In addition to offering special deals and promotions through web pushes, businesses can also use these notifications as part of their broader marketing strategy. By sending regular updates about new products or services, upcoming events or sales, or other relevant news related to your business, you can keep subscribers engaged with your brand over time.

It’s worth noting that while web push notifications are similar in some ways to mobile push notifications or browser notifications (which require users to opt-in), they differ in important ways as well. For one thing, web pushes don’t require users to provide any personal information beyond simply visiting your website – this makes them a more accessible option for businesses looking to expand their reach.

Another key difference is that web push notifications are delivered directly to subscribers’ desktop or mobile devices, rather than being tied to a specific app. This means that users don’t need to have your app installed in order to receive your messages – they can simply subscribe through their browser and start receiving notifications right away.

In terms of best practices for using web push notifications effectively, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to be mindful of how often you’re sending notifications – bombarding subscribers with too many messages can quickly lead to annoyance and unsubscribes. Instead, focus on sending targeted messaging that’s relevant and valuable to each individual subscriber.

It’s also important to make sure your messaging is clear and concise – remember that subscribers will only see a brief preview of your message before deciding whether or not to click through. Use attention-grabbing headlines and concise language that clearly communicates the value of clicking through.

Finally, it’s crucial to track the effectiveness of your web push campaigns over time. By monitoring metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you can identify areas where you may need to adjust your strategy in order to improve results.

Incorporating Web Push Notifications into Your Marketing Strategy for Effectiveness

Use Push Notifications to Complement Your Email Marketing Strategy

Web push notifications can be a great addition to your email marketing efforts. By sending push notifications to your web push notification subscribers, you can increase engagement and drive more traffic to your website. However, it’s important not to rely solely on push notifications as they should complement your email marketing strategy rather than replace it.

One of the benefits of using web push notifications is that they offer a more immediate and direct way of communicating with your audience compared to email marketing. While emails may get lost in crowded inboxes or marked as spam, push notifications appear directly on the user’s screen, making them hard to ignore.

Personalize Your Web Push Campaign

Personalization is key if a user has recently viewed a particular product on your website but hasn’t made a purchase yet, you could send them a personalized web push notification with a discount code for that product.

Another way to personalize your web pushes is by segmenting your audience based on their interests or behaviors. This allows you to send targeted messages that are more relevant and engaging for each individual subscriber.

Leverage the Power of Browser Notifications

Browser notifications are a type of web push notification that can be sent even when the user is not on your website. This means you can reach your audience even when they are not actively engaging with your brand. For example, if someone has added items to their cart but abandoned their purchase before completing it, you could send them a browser notification reminding them about the items in their cart and offering an incentive to complete the purchase.

Utilize the Web Push API

The web push API allows you to send push alerts directly from your website without the need for a third-party service. This gives you more control over your push message content and timing. You can also use the web push API to send targeted messages based on user behavior, such as sending a follow-up message to users who have abandoned their cart.

Testing and Optimization of Your Push Campaign

As with any marketing strategy, testing and optimization are crucial for success. Experiment with different types of push messages, timing, and frequency to find what works best for your audience and goals. For example, you could test different variations of your push notification copy or try sending messages at different times of day to see which generates the most engagement.

It’s also important to monitor your metrics regularly to ensure that your push campaign is performing well. Look at metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to identify areas for improvement.

Key Points for Successful Web Push Marketing

Optimize Your Web Push Campaign

Web push notifications are becoming increasingly popular as a marketing tool, and for good reason. They allow businesses to communicate with their audience in real-time, without the need for an app or email subscription. However, to make the most of your web push campaign, you need to optimize it.

Use Push Notifications to Complement Your Email Marketing and Mobile Push Notifications

Web push notifications should be used alongside other marketing channels such as email and mobile push notifications. By doing so, you can create a cohesive message that resonates with your audience across all touchpoints. For example, if you send an email promoting a sale, follow up with a web push notification reminding users of the sale’s end date.

Create a Clear and Concise Message That Encourages Users to Subscribe to Your Web Push Notification Service

When creating your web push notification message, keep it clear and concise. Use actionable language that encourages users to take immediate action. For example, “Don’t miss out on our limited-time offer – subscribe now!” This creates urgency and incentivizes users to subscribe.

Use the Web Push API to Personalize Your Messages and Target Specific User Segments

The Web Push API allows businesses to personalize their messages based on user behavior and preferences. By doing so, businesses can target specific user segments with relevant content that is more likely to convert.

Timing Is Everything

Sending push messages at the right time is crucial for increasing engagement and conversions. Use data analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel to determine when users are most active on your website or app. Then schedule your web pushes accordingly.

Use Data Analytics To Determine The Best Time To Send Push Alerts Based On User Behavior And Preferences

Data analytics tools provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can determine when users are most likely to engage with their web pushes. This information can then be used to schedule pushes at optimal times.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Web pushes have limited space, so it’s essential to keep your message short and to the point. Use actionable language that creates a sense of urgency. For example, “Hurry! Limited stock available – buy now!” This encourages users to take immediate action.

Integrate Web Pushes Into Your Marketing Strategy

Web push notifications should be integrated into your overall marketing strategy. By doing so, you can create a cohesive message that resonates with your audience across all touchpoints. Combine web pushes with other marketing channels such as email, social media, and mobile push notifications for maximum impact.

Use Web Notifications As Part Of Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Web notifications are an effective way to communicate with your audience in real-time. However, they should be used alongside other marketing channels such as email and mobile push notifications. By doing so, you can create a cohesive message that resonates with your audience across all touchpoints.

Combine Web Pushes With Other Marketing Channels Such As Email And Mobile Push Notifications To Create A Cohesive Message That Resonates With Your Audience

Combining web pushes with other marketing channels is crucial for creating a cohesive message that resonates with your audience. For example, if you send an email promoting a sale, follow up with a web push notification reminding users of the sale’s end date.

Conclusion: The Power of Web Push Marketing

In today’s digital age, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. One way to do that is by incorporating web push notifications into your marketing strategy. As we have seen, web push notifications offer a host of advantages over other forms of marketing such as email marketing.

By using web push notifications, you can instantly communicate with your audience and offer them limited-time offers that they cannot resist. You can also optimize your web push notification campaign by finding opt-in pages and following best practices for push notification marketing.

Moreover, web pushes come in different types and examples that allow you to tailor your message according to your target audience’s preferences. By doing so, you increase the chances of converting them into loyal customers.

One key advantage of using web pushes is their ability to reach mobile users effectively. With mobile devices becoming increasingly popular, it makes sense for businesses to use push messages to engage with their audiences on-the-go. Additionally, with the advent of the Web Push API, businesses can now send push notifications even when their website is not open on a user’s device.

To use push notifications effectively, it’s important first to define what an opt-in is and how it works. By doing so, you ensure that only interested subscribers receive your messages and avoid annoying those who are not interested in receiving them.

Finally, incorporating web pushes into your overall marketing strategy will help you achieve greater effectiveness in reaching out to your audience. By combining different channels such as email marketing and push alerts, you create a more comprehensive approach that engages users across multiple touchpoints.